About the Munin webpages
The author is a member of
and a member of the
All pages were constructed using
![Microsoft Notepad Logo](/bilder/notepad.gif)
Server statistics from Analog
- Webmaster/Web site developer/designer:
Tord Str¯mdal
- E-mail me at:
- webmaster@munin.irf.se
- Contact address:
- Tord Str¯mdal
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- P.O. Box 812
- SE-981 28 KIRUNA
- Sweden
The webserver is physically placed in the "Snickerboa" groundstation. The machine is an intel
486 dx2 66 MHz with 2,5 Gb HDD and 8 Mb RAM. The operatingsystem is Linux, and the internet-
connection is a type T3, with a bandwidth of 2 Mbit.
These pages have been written with the intention that they should be viwable with most
conventional browsers. In the process of making these pages, i used the following browsers
to make sure the pages were viewable:
- Netscape 2.02
- Netscape 3.02
- Netscape 3.03
- Netscape 4.02 b
- Microsoft Explorer 3.01
The pages are best viewed with Netscape 3.0X browsers, but any newer
Netscape or
Microsoft browser will do.
All pages were written/coded in HTML with the text-editor Microsoft Notepad. No WYSIWYG-editors
were used.
Server statistics
The Munin webserver¥s server statistic
is also available. The program I use for displaying server statistics is a modified version of
Analog 2.11 freeware from
Link to Munin Website
Please support the Munin project by adding a link to this site. For now, only a Munin banner is
available, but updates are soon to come. Put this banner on your homepage with a link to
http://munin.irf.se/ .
Please copy the file to your webserver. Then copy the code below, and add it to the
source-file of your homepage. Replace (?.gif) with the new URL of the image
(the address where you put the image).
<A HREF="http://munin.irf.se" TARGET="_top">
<IMG SRC=" (?.gif) "
WIDTH=115 HEIGHT=87 BORDER=0 ALT="Munin Nanosatellite banner" >
Munin banner:
The banner is in GIF-format, and the file-size is 3,86 kb.
SwRI -